Liz MoorePastoral Care

Hi, I’m Liz, Pastoral Lead at Kingswood Baptist Church. I’m wife to Nathan (Elder) and Mum to daughter Jess and son Sam, who are fast growing into young adults. 

Although I went to church as a young child I hadn’t really understood the Christian faith until I came to KBC as an adult. I then gave my life to Christ and publicly declared this through baptism. 

I’ve been coming to KBC since 2013 where I first got involved with children and youth and before being called to lead the women’s ministry – GEMS. I have led many small groups as well as organising gatherings at conferences and social gatherings. 

More recently I have been blessed to have been leading worship on a Sunday and I thoroughly enjoy singing alongside other devoted members of the worship team. 

Alongside serving in church life, I am also co-founder and Chair of Feeding the Family, a local charity that helps people out of loneliness and social isolation through showing the love of Jesus via our Give Guide Grow program. 

I love being with people and so in free time at weekends and evenings I like to go to the theatre, music concerts and have fun spending time by the sea and on walks in the countryside with family and friends as well as eating out, playing games and just being together.

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