We tithe a proportion of our income giving it to Christian charities to support their work.
As such, we are able to support a number of organisations across the world, click on the highlighted countries below for more information.
Cry in the Dark – Romania
This organisation works with children living in vulnerable circumstances. As a church we have supported this organisation in a variety of ways in addition to sending them financial support. Members of the church have packed shoe boxes with gifts for the children at Christmas and a number of church members have been to Romania to deliver the shoe boxes. Two local schools have also sent shoe boxes.

World Vision child sponsorship – Myanmar
We sponsor a teenage boy living in Myanmar through World Vision. In addition to sponsoring this boy our money is also used by World Vision to fund projects to improve the living circumstances of the whole community such as providing fresh water, health education and child immunisation.
EARE – India
In India we have sponsored a number of projects through the EARE charity including buying young women out of prostitution and teaching them an alternative trade, paying for bore holes to be dug and sponsoring Dalit women to be trained as nurses. A church member has visited India to help dig bore holes and to preach to local congregations.

Wycliffe Bible Translators – Cameroon
In Cameroon we are supporting a project to translate the Bible in to the language of the Weh people. Initial work has been done to devise an alphabet as the language has, until now, not been written down. The workers are building links with local churches and teaching language classes to help local people to read and write.
Grace to Heal – Zimbabwe
We sponsor two pastors working with Grace to Heal in Zimbabwe where they work with disadvantaged groups spreading the word of God.

LAMA Ministries – Philippines
Life and More Abundant Ministries works with vulnerable boys in the Philippines bringing them the love of God. They provide these boys with a home, clothes, health care and an education. Where appropriate they search for the boys’ families and sometimes, if it is appropriate, the boys are returned to their families.
BMS World Mission
As a Baptist Church we also support the work of BMS and their missionaries working all over the world. Their workers have an evangelical focus and do this through all sorts of different work such as nursing, church planting, children’s clubs, teaching and business advice.