Small Groups at Kingswood Baptist Church play a vital role in the life of the church. They are open to all regular worshippers at KBC and we encourage people to be a part of the groups.

One of our priorities is to be a place to grow in living for Jesus and as followers of Jesus.

If this is to be then we need to be a community of faith who are serious about learning from the Bible, serious about prayer and serious about being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Our lives should be characterised by great passion for honouring God in the way we live. If this is to become reality then we recognise the need for one another to a greater measure for encouragement and accountability. Small Groups provide the setting for this to take place.

What is the focus of the groups?

  • To grow as disciples of Jesus Christ
  • To provide loving care and support for one another
  • To discover spiritual gifts and serve one another

When do the groups meet?

The groups meet at different times during the week in different locations:

  • There is one group that meets at the church on a Friday morning between 10:30am and 12:00pm.
  • There are several groups that meet on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at various locations around Basildon between 7.45pm and 10pm.

Why should you join?


  • To build relationships with others in the church. In a growing congregation it is impossible to know everyone but the small group setting provides the opportunity to get to know other people in the fellowship.
  • To be accountable. In order to grow as a disciple it is vital to be accountable to other people who will be able to support you and encourage your growth. The small groups provide a setting where we can share and be accountable to one another in our growth in Christ likeness.
  • To grow in your relationship with Jesus. The groups meet weekly for worship, challenging Bible study, prayer and times of sharing with aim of growing in Christ likeness.
  • To serve one another. One of the activities of the groups is not only to serve one another but also to serve in the life of the church. Each group has the opportunity to do this through stewarding at church, serving teas/coffees and arranging the church setup.

Join a group

If you would like more information about the Small Groups or discuss becoming part of a group then please do get in touch.

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