Message: “Take up your Cross (Matthew 16: 24)” from Alan Bayford
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “Remember Praise (Psalm 70)” from Michelle Dorrington
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “Spiritual Renewal (Psalm 61 & 62)” from Joel Oshoja
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “Worship: Covenant and Sacrifice (Psalm 50)” from Nathan Moore
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “Murmuring or Gratitude in Worship (Acts 16: 16-34, Exodus 14: 1-12)” from Jide Fawunmi
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “Protection with Direction (Psalm 32: 1-11)” from Michelle Dorrington
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “A Living Sacrifice (Psalm 24: 1-6, Romans 12: 1-2)” from Joel Oshoja
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “Trusting in God (Psalm 20, 1 Samuel 17: 4-11, 26-50)” from Helen Harrigan
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."
Message: “The Reason we Exist (Psalm 1: 1-6)” from Nathan Moore
A message from the series "Sunday Mornings."