As a church we seek to respond to God’s Word and the Prophetic Word that He has given us.
That vision has come to us through many prophetic words that have been shared and tested over the last few years by the Church. In short it could be summed up in a single word: growth. We anticipate and expect to see the Gospel bear fruit in people’s lives as we share the Good News about Jesus with them. In light of this we have sought to make space for that growth in our structures and buildings.
The Prophetic Word
During the first year of his ministry at Kingswood Baptist Church, Stuart Woodward shared the following word with the Church that he felt the Lord has given him.
‘Dig out the irrigation ditches. Sort out your priorities. Get the channels of outreach and love cleared out. Get your lifestyle sorted out. There is a rainstorm coming.’
The Church spent time seeking to the Lord, weighing and testing this word, and concluded that the rainstorm was a reference to spiritual revival, in which many thousands would come to faith, that we should expect and prepare for.
Since then all that has happened at Kingswood Baptist Church has been to prepare us for the rainstorm:
- The church has been restructured to make it more flexible to cope with growth and much growth has already been seen.
- Hence we now have an eldership, charity trustees, ministry team leaders and vital small groups.
- We have made room for people, demolishing an internal wall and removing the old stage.
- We applied for a ‘change of use’ permission on the manse to free it for church use and purchased a new manse.
- We are in the process of considering how to expand and develop the existing site