Nimofe Adu
I always had some faith myself but my faith started to grow when I started going to The Hub. That was originally the gathering as I began interacting with others who had grown up in Christian families like I had. Also meeting kind leaders, like Paul and Michelle, who taught me about the bible in ways that I never thought of before.
As I continued to go to the gathering and Sunday flight I realised that I myself wasn’t as close to God as I should be although my parents always encouraged me to. However, as time progressed events like Solid helped me focus more on my faith and relationship with God.
As the new academic year came, Youth Alpha really helped deepen my faith with every meeting and every topic and by the end I new I wanted to get baptised this year. I took the opportunity to do this when Pastor Stuart announced a baptismal service.
What I am looking forward to most is my second and last time at SOLID with my friends before I can go to soul survivor. Many people helped and supported me in my journey; my parents, Paul and Michelle and my friends, and for this I am grateful. Like me, have you ever taken the time to thank God for the people he sends to help and guide you on your journey through your Christian life?