When I was two and a half years old my family started to go to church. I didn’t really understand what was said in Sunday Flight until I gave my life to Jesus when I was about 8 years old. I [...]
Our Harvest Festival will be at 10:30 AM on Sunday 15th October to be followed by a Soup and Roll Lunch. Food donations at the Harvest Festival will be for the Basildon Community Resource Centre. [...]
Our CAP Money course runs from 7:30 to 9:30 PM over three evenings: 11th, 18th and 25th October. For further details see our CAP Money Course page. Register at CAP course registration
Who Let The Dads Out? is a national scheme which provides dads, grandads, male carers & father-figures with an opportunity to spend precious time with their 0-6 year old children (and siblings up [...]